Other GER Tank Loco Classes

Ex GER class F3 67127 the last of the class to survive. Allocation Ipswich. Scratchbuilt, ESU V4 with sounds from Coastal DCC

Ex GER class F5 built from a connoisseur kit with Mashima 1833 motor and Slaters gearbox. Zimo decoder and sounds from Digitrains. 67213 was one of the loco's converted in 1949 for Push/Pull operation.

Ex GER class F5 built from a connoisseur kit with Mashima 1833 motor and 40:1 gears. ZTC 255 decoder and soundtrax sound only decoder. September 2017. This loco (the first 0 gauge loco I built) recieved an upgrade in sound and decoder plus a base reflex speaker.This allowed the fiting of a large capacitor for stay alive giving much better running qualities over complicated point work. A Suethe smoke unit was also added.

A Laurie Griffin kit built and painted by Graham Varley. Powered by a RG7 motor. I have fitted an ESU v4 with stay alive and sound from Coastal DCC. Loco is in early livery as photographed at Cambridge whilst shedded at Bury St. Edmunds. At this time it carried no smoke box number or shed code

Ex GER Class N7 69704 built from a connoisseur kit with a RG7 motor and suethe smoke unit. Fitted ESU 3.5 decoder

Ex GER Class N7 69713 built and painted from a connoisseur kit by Graham Varley. It is fitted with a Chaplin multi stage gearbox and Cannon motor. Fitted with a Zimo decoder with sound from Digitrains.

Ex GER N7 69725 built from a connoisseur kit with Mashima 1833 and 40:1 gearbox. Fitted with a suethe smoke unit and esu loksound V4 decoder with sound from Digitrains.